Process Mining - Dynamically Set Color Of Chart Field

What steps are needed in order to dynamically set the color of a chart field in Process Mining apps?

One of the column charts requires colors to be set dynamically, according to the content of the specific column.

This scenario can be set by using the following steps:

  1. On the selected table, create a new map, by right-clicking the table name, and selecting new map:

  1. In the "Edit map" screen, input a name for the map, select the Attribute name and press the Rebuild button, as shown below:

  1. A warning message highlighting the creation of a category for each value of the chart is shown. Click OK.
  1. There will be a redirection to the MAP screen, where a color for each value will be shown. In this screen, it should be possible to alter the colors as required. Adjust colors and press APPLY and OK.

  1. Go to the Advanced section and select the "Category" sections of the field that need a color applied to:

  1. Scroll down to the Font section of the Category, and set:
  • Color method: By expression
  • Color attribute:

  1. Next to the Value field, click on and set an expression to it. E.g.: any(activity). After clicking OK, the map will be applied.