Process finished due to no more transaction data: Cant pass this

Dear All,

I’ve been struggling for the past days due to this problem I’m facing in my automation.
In the Initialization block I’m simply opening Chrome, and in the Get Transaction Data I’m supposed to download the CSV file, and move it to the folder, but all I got is this error “Process finished due to no more transaction data”

I’ve attached my workflow here, in case it might help (1.0 MB)

Hi @Eduardo_Melato,
As per the documentation, Get Transaction Data is to fetch the next transaction to be processed. Since you don’t have any transactions created at this point, the process finishes and you get the message - “Process finished due to no more transaction data”

The documentation is available in your project folder in the Documentation sub-folder

You will have to add the downloading the CSV and moving to the folder in the “Initialization” step.
Refer to this answer to find how to work with an Excel/CSV file in an Re-framework -


Hello @Eduardo_Melato

It would be better if you can give more clarity on your use case.

Are you using Reframework? And what type of data are you trying to pass as the transaction item?
