Process cannot find file

Hi, friends, in my system1_create yearly report invoke workflow, I get an error cannot access the file D:\download\yearly-report-2018RO212121.xlsx because it is being used by another process.Please what could be the cause because the excel file is not opened

I think the file is running in background and check that one. If it exists then kill that one

I think the excel file is open,
are you trying to open this file or what?
can you share the error screenshot?

Take Kill process activity and pass process name as excel


I guess the excel file you are trying to open is already open in the background or in excel itself. You will need to close it before running the workflow. If it is already closed and still you are getting the error, make sure you kill the excel process from the windows task manager…

It’s closed, so I should go to task manager and kill the process?

just make sure the excel process is running in the task manager… if its closed it should work fine… I wonder whether its stuck or something…

There’s no excel file opened in my task manager

whats code in invoke d workflow? can you share the screenshot, also of the error.

Hello @RPA-botDev,

What activity are you using to read an excel(excel app scope or workbook)?
If it is workbook, please replace it with excel app scope, take a read range activity in it and read range has a property called Visible and uncheck that then run it,


I am writing a datatable to the file using write range activity

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