Procedure or function '<PROC Name>' expects parameter '@<value>', which was not supplied.. While exporting variables to MSQL store procedure

I have a store procedure in SQL in which I have an insert query in which I’m inserting several values as log of the transaction happened in UiPath flow, after configuring the “Executing Non Query” Activity I am getting the mentioned error " Procedure or function ‘’ expects parameter ‘@’, which was not supplied." Although I Have supplied the all the required arguments in the series.

Please Help.,

Welcome to the UiPath Community :slight_smile:

This will require to review your stored procedure as well. There is something in SP which is giving this error.

Please share your SP code here.

Ashok :slight_smile:

Check your parameter name copy it from SP and pass this as a parameter

and add it in UiPath Code its solve your issue, also make your parameter Null

As @ashokkarale asked you need to provide more details

Hi Ashok,

I worked fine, there was some missing configuration in the activity properties, rest all was fine.


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Glad I was helpful. Let’s close the topic by marking my answer as solution so it will be helpful to other members as well.

Ashok :slight_smile: