I have to download an CSV File with an fix URL which gets an daily update and should be convert into an Excel Report.
But the problem begins with the “Download File” Activity already. I was a bit surprised that I have to open a browser, paste the URL with an “Type Into” activity in the browser and add a “Click activity” to initiate the download. My expectation was a bit more “direct” approach, which means the “Download File” Activity gets the following parameters from me: URL, Target Directory and a Filename.
Is there maybe another activity with an more “direct” approach, which I could use for downloading this file?
The next Problem is that the CSV File contains some german special characters in it, e.g. ä ö ü ß which are replaced with other special charcters. I tried it with different browsers, but the file is corrupted everytime. With Powershell and curl it works fine. Any other ideas how I can avoid this corruption?
Dim httpRequest As HttpWebRequest = DirectCast(WebRequest.Create(“https://url.pdf”), HttpWebRequest)
httpRequest.Method = WebRequestMethods.Http.Get
Dim httpResponse As HttpWebResponse = DirectCast(httpRequest.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)
Dim httpResponseStream As Stream = httpResponse.GetResponseStream()
Dim doc As Byte()
Dim ms As MemoryStream = New MemoryStream()
doc = ms.ToArray()
File.WriteAllBytes(“C:\yourfile.pdf”, doc)