Problem with transaction number

Hi all,
i have a problem with transaction number and reframework, i didn’t find any solution yet.
I set the var transaction number with the default_value = 0, enter inside the process and when successfull inside set transaction i assign io_transaction number = io_transaction number + 1 and inside log became 1.
The problem is when i re-enter in get transactiondata, i set var transactionnumber with in_transactionNumber but when enter the value is always 0.

Can anyone help me?

have a first check if all arguments are correctly assigned with the corresponding variables and that there is no variable with the same name of an argument

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Yes all arguments are correctly assigned In argument -->Get Transaction
In/Out argument SetTransactionStatus
The argument are:
Variable: TransactionNumber
Argument1: in_TransactionNumber
Argument2: io_TransactionNumber

I set the value 0 to variable TransactionNumber or argument in_TransactionNumber inside GetTransactionData?

I assume:
Argument1: in_TransactionNumber used in get Transaction Data
Argument2: io_TransactionNumber used in set Transaction Status and verified Direction is in/out

if th breaking part cannot be found quick and direct, then I suggest to step / breakpoint debug the flow, watch at the TransactionNumber and validate when it is increased and when it falls down to 0

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