Problem with publishing library 2019.9


I was trying to build and publish library working on 2018.4 with 2019.9.0 but I’m unable to publish it due to an error:

The type ‘IEnumerable<>’ is defined in an assembly that is not referenced.
You must add a reference to assembly ‘netstandard, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51’.

Studio shows no error and System.Collections are in Imports. What is more I am able to publish it as a process but not as a library.

Have anyone experienced similar problem ? What may be the cause of that problem?

Hi @bdziedzi,
Are both Studios running the same version of packages? Please also check if all dependencies used in 2018.4 are imported in 2019.9 as well (including Imports tab).

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At first open of 2018.4 project, (in 2019.9.0 studio) it has keept all packages in original versions without showing any conflicts or problems.

I had also tried to upgrade all packages to the latest versions and I was also trying to recrate project.json by deleting it and opening in 2019 Studio.
I was unable to publish it on all atempts .

Currently, I have found that the problem is with UiPath.IntelligentOCR.Activities. After removing that dependency and activities, from project, it was published without any errors.
I have created a fresh new library project, than added dependency to UiPath.IntelligentOCR.Activities and I cant publish it as Library without an error.

This problem looks similar to the one described here:

Kind regards,
Bartosz Dziedzic

Are you able to upload here the simple project from 2018.4 so we could test on it from our side?

Hi @bdziedzi

This was fixed by our team in the versions of the latest 2019.10.0 beta higher than 299 :slight_smile:
(if not available yet, it will be soon :wink: )


Thank you for information.