Hello everyone, I´m a beginner and I´m facing a problem with my automation which is that when I try to use move file activity it give me the next error “Move File: Could not find a part of the path.” I already checked it and realized that the problem only occurs when I use variables, can somebody help me with that? as an attachment you would find the made robot
try to run the process in debug mode & verify the values in the locals panel for move file activity for both from location & to location are valid. Validate if have any extra ""
in from(property) you should add the full path of the file, inside to(property) you should add only the path of folder were you want to add the file.
If you want to rename the file you have “rename file” as an activity
I already tried to use the rename file activity, but It give me the same feedback error
what should be inside of notenumber vrbl?
here should be only the folder path where you want the file to be
I use that variable to set the sequence of the file, to get that info I use the read cell value activity of an excel file, now I changed the activity move file for the rename file activity, and as a result I get the same error… do you think that it would be a problem of the vrbl type?
can you share your values in the From and To.
Your from should be your full file name.
“C:\Users\oscaro\Desktop\Oficios \NOTA 166 GRP OJU 2024 2341 MP .pdf”
and To, should be the folder you want to place it in. Example
In this case create a folder called “New_Folder” on your desktop.
Also you need to verify the value you are passing is correct. Add a log message and copy your to and from to make sure the activity is getting the correct values.
Add only this part C:\Users\oscaro\Desktop\Oficios\
In Move File Acivity:
From : Pass full path of the File (File Full Path)
To : Pass the Path till Folder (Path of the Folder where you want to move the file)
From: C:\Users\oscaro\Desktop\Folder1\MyFile.pdf
To: C:\Users\oscaro\Desktop\Folder2
Hope it’ll helps you
Hi @Nawazish_Ahmad tks for the help, but I need to change the name of the pdfs and also move the files, I tried using the move file activity using no variable text as “C:\Users\oscaro\Desktop\Oficios\mypdf.pdf” and after it the rename file activity but in the name (property) I wrote this Notenumber+" "+filename, and it give me the same error feedback,