Problem selecting dynamic date in a calendar in desktop app

Hi everyone, i have a problem with a desktop application where to choose a pay date the only option i have is to choose from a calendar with a click, if i write the date manually the accept button does not enable. i tried to pass hotkeys like move down, right, tab, etc but doesn’t work.

Does anyone know how can i make this calendar click dynamic? when i use the uiexplorer the selector doesn’t change when i select a piece of the calendar, so i can’t make it dynamic in the classical way and it’s fundamental to me pass the pay date in that way.

Related image attaches. i will appreciate any help, thanks (i tried my best to write this in the best way, i’m not english native speaker)



Just try click image activity !!
I m not sure , it may work .

I just found the solution, clicking in any date in the calendar and then the accept button was enabled, so then i type the date i want and it work, the solution was easyer than i thought.

Thanks anyway.

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Hi @Emiranda ,

How do you manage to click on the 28th for example? Because there are two 28 in the picture you show for example.
