Hello! Please I need help I am automating web scraping. I have the following problem: the site opens a new tab automatically when I click an element. UIpath cans open the new tab, but it returns automatically to the initial page (so, I cannot make clicks, etc on the page opened). I used the command Ctrl + Tab, but didnt work. How can I solve this?
This is the example:
1: [https://ibb.co/tBrcBbY ] - I click on the element.
2: [https://ibb.co/n3bth7w] - The site opens the new tab automatically. I use the command Ctrl + Tab to go. I need to do different things in this Tab.
3: [https://ibb.co/3mQTvzK] - UIPath returns me to the first tab and I cannot do anything in the other tab.