Problem Opening Custom Company Application

Hi everyone,

I have to automate a company-custom-developed application.

Well basically I need to know what does UiPath perform when opening an app because is not “pressing” the .exe of that app.

Thank you in advance,

When UiPath interacts with an application, it typically uses a set of activities designed to simulate human-like interactions with the user interface (UI) elements of the application. Instead of directly launching the application executable (.exe), UiPath interacts with the application’s UI elements to perform tasks. Here’s an overview of what UiPath does when automating the opening of a custom-developed application:

  1. UI Automation Activities:
  • UiPath uses UI automation activities from the “UiAutomation” package to interact with the application’s user interface.
  • Activities such as “Click,” “Type Into,” “Set Text,” and others are used to simulate mouse clicks, keyboard input, and other UI interactions.
  1. Selectors:
  • UiPath relies on selectors to identify and interact with specific UI elements within the application.
  • Selectors are XML-based expressions that uniquely identify elements based on their properties such as name, ID, class, or other attributes.
  1. Dynamic Elements Handling:
  • UiPath is designed to handle dynamic elements, meaning that it can adapt to changes in the UI structure or element properties.
  • It uses wildcards and other techniques in selectors to ensure robust automation even when elements change.
  1. Launch Application Activity:
  • The “Launch Application” activity is commonly used to start an application. It allows you to specify the application executable path and any command-line arguments.
  1. Attach Window Activity:
  • The “Attach Window” activity is often used to specify the target application window. This ensures that subsequent activities are performed within the context of that window.
  1. Delay and WaitForReady:
  • UiPath may use activities like “Delay” or set the “WaitForReady” property to ensure that the application has loaded fully before proceeding with interactions.
  1. Error Handling:
  • UiPath incorporates error-handling mechanisms to deal with potential issues during automation, such as elements not being found or unexpected changes in the application.
  1. Application Scope Activity:
  • For some applications, the “Application Scope” activity is used to define the scope of interactions with the application. It can also handle aspects like attaching to an existing application instance.

I am not sure this will help you I got this from UiPath Accedamy

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It is a nice try, but the problem is just at the opening. I tried using modern and classic open activities (Use app/browser—Open application), and I got the same behavior or error.

When I double-click the.exe manually, the application opens correctly and loads the config files stored in the same folder.

When I use UiPath, those files are not being loaded.

Thank you,

Use Start Process activity and provide full path of that .exe file and then it will open application.


Try this I hope it will open the application

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I thought this would work, but for some reason it does not.

I wonder what the difference is between double-clicking in an.exe and starting a process with that activity.

Thank you,

You can use double-click on the .exe but there is a chance to fails in the UI

Lucky me!

The solution was using start process activity but not only set up the path of the .exe but also setup the Working directory property in witch that .exe is located.

Problem solved!

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