If you want to read certain filtered data and write it to another sheet then use below solution
Use read range activity to read the excel sheet ==> Output variable is ‘exceloutput’
Create a assign variable as 'filteredRows = exceloutput.Select(“Type = ‘3N’ OR Type = ‘4N’ OR Type = ‘KR’ OR Type = ‘Kw(Pd)’ OR Type = ‘Kw(Ni)’ OR Type = ‘Ky’”).CopyToDataTable()
You can write the filtered data to an excel sheet using write range activity.
For the data other than mentioned values use below expression
filteredRows = exceloutput.Select(“NOT (Type = ‘3N’ OR Type = ‘4N’ OR Type = ‘KR’ OR Type = ‘Kw(Pd)’ OR Type = ‘Kw(Ni)’ OR Type = ‘Ky’)”).CopyToDataTable()
Write the filtered data in new sheet using write range activity