I can not see the log files in Orchestrator. The list of logs is always empty.
Below the configuration of the web.config file in Orchestrator
web.config.txt (42.2 KB)
insert into dbo.Logs (OrganizationUnitId, TenantId, TimeStamp, Level, WindowsIdentity, ProcessName, JobKey, Message, RawMessage, RobotName, MachineId) values (@organizationUnitId, @tenantId, @timeStamp, @level, @windowsIdentity, @processName, @jobId, @message, @rawMessage, @robotName, @machineId) insert into stats.ErrorLogs (OrganizationUnitId, TenantId, TimeStamp, CorrelationId, Source, Level, RobotId, ProcessName, JobKey, QueueDefinitionId, Message) values (@organizationUnitId, @tenantId, @timestamp, @correlationId, @logSource, @level, @robotId, @processName, @jobId, @queueId, @message)