Printing Matches results of Regex

I am trying to extract a specific sentence from a string variable using Regex. I tried to print the result using “Log Message” out to check whether the matches result is correct. However, the output panel shows the following message:


Can anyone please tell me how to solve this issue? So much thanks to your help!


Use MatchesVariable(0).value to log first match.

Likewise you can log others by changing the index from 0 to 1,2…

My variable is Company_Nominal_Value, so does it mean I have to type Company_Nominal_Value(0).value to show the first match?

Yes, you got the logic correct.


If you want to log all in a single message box, use this in message.

String.Join(vbNewLine, Company_Nominal_Value.Select(Function (x) x.toString).toArray)

Thank you so much! I will try this out.

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you can directly use without casting to array as well and better to sue value method

String.Join(Environment.NewLine, Company_Nominal_Value.Select(Function (x) x.Value))


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