Possible Bug with the new UiPath.UIAutomation.Activities 19.4.1

As you can see on the above image when I update UiPath.UIAutomation.Activities to 19.4.1, I’m getting errors. I did a blank project and epdated them one at a time and then uninstalled the all and tryed installing them seperate from each other and it is that library that gives the error.

As you can see on the below image i go down one version and i get no errors

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Hi @Rasmus_J,
If you are on Beta Channel you should have Studio 19.4.2 available already. Please check if the same problem is there.

@Pablito sorry forgot to mention, running Enterprise :slight_smile:

Ok thank you for the information. I will back to you if I will get any info from our team :slight_smile:

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I had the same issue.

Same here, except I’m on Enterprise 2018.4.1.

@Rasmus_J, @Jizh, @evangemert
I came with an update :slight_smile:
Seems that one of dependencies (SDK) is not updated in the official feed for UiPath.UiAutomation.Activities for the 19.4.1. This should be fixed today. Until then you can use beta feed for this package which consist of newer dependencies and shouldn’t throw an error :wink:
I want to thank you for alerting us about the problem :+1::heart:


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