Popup/box - type into


In our invoice system (not Citrix env) I’m having problems making UIPath detect a popup with a drop down list. Every “Click” and “type into” action seems to not be detected at all.

Picture of the drop down box I want to type into

It is more of selector issue, please go through the selector video tutorial again and create new selector with wildcards


Thank you, but I have tried to change the selectors with wildcards (ex. < html title=‘*’ /><webctrl tag=‘SELECT’ / >) and the “hover”-strat for dropdown lists. However nothing seems to trigger the dropdown list to appear or react to clicks (also tried ocr, positioning) or type into. It finds the element and image of the appearing box, but the values within the Box refuse to be “manipulated” by RPA. I’ll investigate further, but thank you anyways for the suggestion.