Please suggest how to connect oracle Autonomous database (wallet) using Uipath
Hi @yvrnsravankumar,
I am trying the same but not able to resolve.
Can you help me if you found solution.
Thank You,
Shubham Pratap
(post deleted by author)
Same issue here. I am having no luck connecting to oracle autonomous cloud database? Requesting UI path to post a solution.
Try the below steps
- open connection wizard
- choose data source as ‘Other’ and data provider as Oracle ManagedDataAccess
- Within wallet which you used for connecting DB, you should have tns file open the tns file and you should be able to find the different DB service names and details regards to that.
- Pick Hostname, port and service name from tns file with corresponding service and enter the user name and password.
- additionally you can go to advanced in this page itself and enter the data source completely, which is present in tns file.
Note: In tns file you will have multiple service details, copy and enter the service details only that you want to connect.
Finally click on test connection.
This should work.