
While i am running the bot in debug mode it was running successfully but, while i am running the bot in PIP session I am getting the error like

Venkatesh Cheeni

Take control of the PIP window and in Chrome, check if the extension is installed and enabled.

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can you send the screenshot what extension i need to check?

Its the UiPath extension in Chrome

yes john Uipth extension is installed in chrome. but still i am getting this error.

Installed in the PiP session? Are you using incognitio mode?

No I am not using incognito mode.

Ok, and in the PIP session, you’ve gone to chrome and checked? can you show a screenshot?

I am getting this error while i am running in PIP Mode. below is error screenshot

Hello @venkateshcheeni09,

Please go in UiPath Studio → Home → Tools

and check if the Chrome Extension is also available here.

In studio → home—> tools–> chrome extension is installed. but still bot is not running in PIP mode.

Then try to use UiBrowser in code and encapsulate the open browser.

i can’t able to see UiBrowser activity in activity panel.

Attach Browser in the Properties → Input → Browser: CType(in_Config(“YourBrowser”),UiPath.Core.Browser)
BrowserType: BrowserType.Chrome

Sorry if it wasnt clear, I asked for a screenshot of you checking the extension in PIP mode, not for the error as we have that above already.

Actually i am not using any config file here…

Here i am sharing the screenshot …


Hi, sorry.

Thats still not what I asked. Can you show the extension, set up correctly in Google chrome, in a PIP session please?

I just realized. Paul made quite an assumption that the automation is using Chrome with no real basis from what I can tell, so @venkateshcheeni09 please also confirm which browser your code is configured to use.

My code is configured for chrome browser