Performer bot gives null reference exception stating object not set to an instance of an object. Please help


i am using dispatcher performer concept for my workflow. Dispatcher is working fine. I checked queue in orchestrator . the queue is populated. However when i try to extract items from queue using a performer i am getting null reference exception. I used queueitem.Specificcontent(“objectname”).tostring which throws error. Please help.


Object not Set to an Instance error will give if you are trying to call a null value


I checked the queue it contains value.

HI @Automation_Shyam,

can you please provide a snippet image of your queue with value in it and snippet of you code where your’r getting error


The bot throws error in writeline activity.

Hi @Automation_Shyam,

everything here seems to be ok .
Can you provide your xaml so that i can have a look.


Hi @Automation_Shyam,

This issue normally occurs when a variable has not been initialised or given a value. Run your workflow in Debug mode, and look at the Locals panel for the variable in the Write Line. If it is null, make sure your queue is being picked up correctly