Hi,can someone please help in telling - can we use UiPath for pe
Performance testing?
Licence cost of it?
Welcome to the community
Performance testing is possible
for any testing you need test manager license…there are multiple combinations and tiers based on what you need can check in detail here below or reach to sales team
Thanks for responding.
I have reached out to sales team but no response yet so joined this.
So the link you shared is for UiPath licence right? I want to know if we leverage it for performance what will be the cost
See what you would need are test manager lciense and as you want to do performance testing you need many users or robot licenses /testing lcienses to run parallely so you would need multiple licenses of those
the exact cost can be given by UiPath sales team only but can see the bundles given above and choose based on the usage you have
Thanks Anil.
Just want to understand so 1 licence will support 1000 virtual users
Or it will be 1 licence 1 user?
I am asking if you have experience in this
As for loadrunner I got to know 1 licence can support 1000 virtual users,so please correct me.