People there is a webpage, where some details are to be fed. Now lets say there is variable “Customer” the fields corresponding to it keep where the data is to be fed keeps changing. Lets say if the Customer is Apple Ind there will be 3 fields always (no matter what) and if the customer is Dell Ind the fields will be 5 in no. Now for this task I do have the suitable database with me. The database for Apple Ind has 3 Values only and 5 Values for Dell Ind. I need to train the bot to check the name of customer on the webpage and fill in the suitable data in the fields!.
Apple Ind
Dell Ind
Buddy you can get the data from database using execute query activity where the output would be of datatable, so once after getting this table with customer fields and values, so totally of two columns(for example), you can iterate through each row using for each row loop and assign the value of row(“customerfield”).ToString to a variable named out_field
- Then use find text position activity with this out_field as input that can find the uielement of the text in the page…get the output as uielement datatype variable named out_uielement
- use a anchor base activity with left side of find element and write side of type into activity
left side activity find element pass the out_uielement variable as input for element property
and right side activity type into, pass the row(“value”).ToString as input
Thats all you are all done
Hope this would work, try and let know buddy
is that working buddy @Aditya_Bhalerao
@Palaniyappan buddy, Ill get back to you once I try it.
@Palaniyappan Thanks a lot Man, it worked.
Thats great
Cheers buddy @Aditya_Bhalerao
Keep going
I need your Help on something else now.
Any Ideas about file distribution ?
I need to share the file I created with other people from my department, without giving them any opportunity to tamper with the module.
you can send them by mail or placing it in shared folder or onedrive buddy @Aditya_Bhalerao
Maybe I wasnt clear, what I mean is that I dont want other people to see that the program has been called and have access to the program. Is there some way we could instantiate the program without opening the program.
Buddy may i know which program you are talking about…the workflow in your studio or what buddy…sorry i m not able to get that buddy… @Aditya_Bhalerao
The Workflow
yes of-course buddy, you can let them access this bot and run they want, if you have a orchestrator access for this from , a community edition of orchestrator, where you can create users with a emailid/username and password for a new user and assign them with few permissions in their role, so that they can login to the orchestrator, run the bot the you have now with you whenever they want buddy @Aditya_Bhalerao
Check with logs buddy, where it is getting failed…
you can get that from right side with three dots and click view logs
that would tell us where it got stuck and got failured
Cheers @Aditya_Bhalerao
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