i’m using uipath terminal session for mainframe app… my question is " when i login it showing my Password " how to mask my password
i’m using uipath terminal session for mainframe app… my question is " when i login it showing my Password " how to mask my password
Please try Type Keys Secure activity.
for Terminals you have Send Keys Secure activities.
when i use uipath terminals session it will start record at the time how to use send keys secure activity
Just record it and stop recording → find out the selector from the recorded step and copy it.
drag and drop Send Keys Secure Activity from the activity panel. Paste your selector in the Secure Activity.
comment recorded activity and use newly added activity to see your secure text.
Hope my inputs are useful :-)
Well by default most of terminal will not show password if you will type in the password
First try to maintain a connection either by using existing profile as per your terminal provider.
Your terminal provider is AVIVA? or IBM 3270?
If IBM also then use Ibm personal system communications opetion and select existing profile option then use that profile.
Note - to Generate profile (*.ws) manually login into your terminal then go to file option and click on save as then mention the path where you want to save that profile.
after that you will be able to see a terminal recorder and record your steps as per your needs.
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