HI ,
i am trying to use try cath activity if my password has been expired. in that case what should be in catch activity?
can anyone tell me the full flow once.?
In which application are you working with?
In Ui path, i am trying to use
Can you send me the workflow?
Because I need to understand whether you are trying to automate SAP, MS word or some other application.
Suppose i am logging to any application with username & password.
1)I created workflow first to enter user name & password
2)after then i found a exception that “your password has been expired please reset it”
In that case what should be the flow?
My flow-
in try activity i created a sequence to enter password
in catch activity what should be come i dnt know.
i am not aware a lot about try catch activity.
i am trying to use SAP application
Once you catch the exception,
you can either ignore (in general case) or throw a pop-up (Message box) to let know the user regarding the password expiry.
so can’t we do this thing that after throwing the pop up of password expiry robot will automate set a password ?
It completely depends on your decision.
If you want to reset the password, just include the activities which are required to reset in catch.
Ok just let me try with this, will let you know .Thank you so much