Password authentication is temporarily as part of a brownout. please use a personal access token instead

How I was able to resolve it.

Step 1 : create a token. follow the URL: Creating a personal access token - GitHub Docs

Step 2 : Go to git and create a repository of the project, ignore if created previously. Copy your repo link .

Step 3 : install git on your pc if you not install already.

Step 4 : Navigate inside your project directory.

Step 5 : in the file explore field where your folder name directory are display (Beside the search field), clear it and input cmd and press enter . it will open a command line with the project directory.

Step 6 : use the following command:
git remote add origin https://Your project repo link you copied
git branch -M main
git push -u origin main

Step 7 : You can use the token you previously generated or your username and password to authenticate . confirm that your project has been push successfully to your project repo. else recheck from step 1 to step 7.

Step 8. Go back to your uipath the make some changes to your work. try and push and commit your work. This time it will ask you to enter your git credentials.

Note: Use the token your have generated. your change will be push successfully without the error.
