Passing special parameter from Orchestrator

I am scheduling a process on Orchestrator every 30 minutes until 8pm every day and runs a special run at 11pm everyday where the process should perform an additional step where it needs to send out an email to the users about the status. When I am scheduling, is there any way that I can pass a Boolean parameter called IS_LAST_RUN to the robot, so I read the value in the flow and identify this is the last run?

Or is there any other approach that I can find whether its the last run? I can check the time and decide its the last run. But I am seeking a better approach.


Is it ok to use code to tell current time and then decide if the final step is to be executed?

I can use a code to check that. But what I want to do is when the schedule is getting triggered from Orchestrator, either there is a way to pass a parameter to the robot so robot can determine its the last run or there should be a way to change an asset value we change to yes as the first step when starting the last run from Orchestraror side and then read that asset value in the workflow to determine last run.

Well, I suppose you could at least use activity “Get Attribute” and “Set Attribute”. Each time a robot is at end of its job, it needs to tell current time, if it’s 11pm, it needs to change value of an asset in Orchestrator to eg. true, so that next run of robot can find this signal at beginning of process. Is this what you need?

Found the answer in this link and it worked fine for me.I could pass a Boolean parameter in the schedule itself and check the parameter value in the flow and take action accordingly.

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