Passing Datatable Value in TypeInto Activity

unique_test.xaml (11.2 KB)
output.txt (5.4 KB)

These are my following xaml and it’s output, now I want to put the values(e.g sou,qty) through a typeinto activity.

How may I perform this with an optimized way?

Another thing I’d like to point out is that each of my outputs is considered a separate transmission. I need to work with each trx. at once, after inputting the required data through typeinto activity I will work with next trx.

Hey @Tanzill_Ahsan

So you meant to say you have a row list in txt where each row is a transaction.

You need to process each row by using type into action where you pass few of the field values into it ?


@Nithinkrishna exactly

you got my point, for a better understanding I am sharing the fields where I wanna put the datas

Data Entry Page 01

Data Entry Page 02

Transactions(in row)


Hi @Tanzill_Ahsan

Nice so this looks pretty straight forward.

Are you using Re-Framework here ?


@Nithinkrishna no, only datatable used here

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Yep, You can use Re-Framework where you have the setup almost ready.

Or else you can also build a logic using for-each data row.

Hi @Tanzill_Ahsan, in case you have to use DataTable itself and want to access each column data in a row, you can use ‘For Each Row in Data Table’ activity and inside which use the following CurrentRow.Item(“Ref_Id”).ToString, CurrentRow.Item(“date_time”).ToString and so on for each of the columns you have. You can either use this directly in the respective ‘Type Into’ activities or assign to a specific variable and use that variable.

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