Passed Assertion need to show in the output panel after the work flow completed running

while running the work flow , in output need to show the passed assertions which are in green colour right symbol

can any one help me with this problem .


If condition = True Then
Log Message activity:
Message: “Assertion Passed: The condition is true.”
Level: Info
Color: Green
End If


Use verify execution activity and when successful it would


Hi @Deepak_Ravula1

Use Verify Expression with Operator Activity

Check on this document



After execution of the when sequence take the output from when and pass it to then sequence. In then sequence use the activities showed in activities panel as the below image. In then sequence use the variable as shown below so that you can get to know whether the test case is successful or not. If the test case is successful then the output will be shown in green color in output panel. If the test case is failed then the output will be shown in red color in output panel.

If program is successful then it shows as below

Hope it helps!!

Hi , I got ur explanation but iam not able to execute it in my machine can u help me with that
I have created an work flow and it was running fine in my machine for my work flow I want see assertions passes in the output panel
For that can u help me please


Yeah sure bro


can u send em an video or screen shots that after an work flow running complete or after the some activity the assertion should pass and need to show in the output panel
can u give like that please