I am using an API interface to grab the following JSON file. Problem is when i Deserialize and insert into a Data Table, UI path is putting each element into one cell. i need each element inserted into their own row. I can use a Comma as the separator but i cant figure out the logic to accomplish this.
Any advise how to get each https//test-pcard… address into the new row using the comma as the seperator?
JSON Deserilized
Below is the JSON file inserted in the data table, however its in once cell
Have you tried changing the datatype of JsonGrabIDs variable type into Datatable type
and also did you change the Type argment of Deserializer JSON activity to System.Data.Datable?
So if the datatable method doesn’t work you can do the below steps,
a) Create an empty datatable with one column named url and assign it a variable in the properties panel.
b) Use assign activity with left side as url1 and right side as System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(JsonGrabIDs.ToString, “(?<=[).*(?=,)”).Value.Tostring
c) Then use add data row activity and in first field of activity set it as {url1} and datatable as the one you created
d) Use assign activity again with left side as url2 and right side as System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(JsonGrabIDs.ToString, “(?<=,).*(?=])”).Value.Tostring
e) Then use add data row activity and in first field of activity set it as {url2} and datatable as the one you created