Output csv file blank after data scraping

Hi All,

I am new to UiPath. I have created a workflow wherein I have an excel file with keywords for google search and the data scraped would be written into output csv files. Unfortunately the .csv files created for output keywords are blank. Could you all please help me out. Attached is my workflow. Thanks in advance.

GoogleSearch_RK.zip (1.5 MB)

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Welcome to UiPath Community Buddy

Buddy actually you have the csv with data buddy in the folder Downloaded Files. see

Is there any issues, sorry if i have misunderstood your question

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Thanks a lot for your reply. My bad. The data was there after I ran the bot for the first time. However, after I ran the bot again, the output csv files are becoming blank. Attaching the workflow again

(ran it just now). Files under downloaded folder is blank. Attaching a screenshot of the downloads folder as well.

GoogleSearch_RK.zip (1.4 MB)

What activity did you use?

Buddy @ichaki lets do one thing first lets check whether we are getting data from datascrapping use a writeline activity next to it to check whether any text is obtained first and then will try to insert them as csv file

@Palaniyappan I’m not one facing problem its @ichaki who is having issue .

Really sorry @apurvalost, was my typing mistake, sorry once again


Hi @Palaniyappan, like I said I am very new to UiPath. By write line, did you mean adding an output table and then write line? Attaching the screenshot of changes made. Thank you so much for your time.

@apurvalost Hi, I have attached the workflow above. Using simple data scraping activity to get google search results on keywords. The resulting output csv files are blank.

Yes buddy you are right, go ahead and check whether data is scrapped first with this
and kindly let know any output is obtained or not

Cheers @ichaki

Hi, output as in would I get any pop-up? I ran the workflow again and nothing happened. The downloaded files are all 1 KB. How do I check if data was scraped from the write line activity? Again, sorry for being a total newb.

No Worries buddy @ichaki you can see in the output panel, at the down of the page there is a panel buddy named output, when a write line is used we can see the output there in the output panel

  1. once you get the datatable from extract datatable assign it as input to output datatable
  2. get the output from output datatable as text with variable out_text and pass that to writeline activity buddy

Try this and let know buddy

So the output panel just shows google search execution started and then ended. Does that mean data is not being scraped? Output|690x387

Can i see them once buddy if possible as a image

Cheers @ichaki

Please see the screenshot below

Aaaah yes buddy, output csv file is blank as no data scrapping happened buddy, thats the reason behind…
Fine now lets sort this issue by just doing data scrapping for one keyword alone that too manually not as taking from excel with first value alone, do a manual data scrapping for one keyword manually and try to pass the datatable obtained to csv file and lets check with this one keyword, then we can later pass many keywords from excel
Try this and let know buddy and that was the reason the csv was blank

Cheers @ichaki

Yes. So I did deleted the existing data scraping activity and re-did the same for 1 keyword, and it works. Saved in the BR csv file.GoogleSearch_RK.zip (1.6 MB)

Now pass the keyword to google getting from excel as datatable with a read range activity and for each loop followed by assign activity and then pass that variable to google search type and change the selector here with wildcards like this in attach browser before data scrapping

Try and let know buddy


Hi, I get the part on passing “the keyword to google getting from excel as datatable with a read range activity”, but did not understand the assign activity. I have attached my earlier, workflow, could you modify that or explain the steps?

And I understand that the “banana replublic - Google Search” should be replaced by “*”. Did that last time as well in the attach browser selector.