Outlook Error Mail.from empty , move email error

I’m Reading email from shared mailbox but i get mail.from as empty
If i untick the below option it provides me from parameter

but then it gives me an error while moving the email
The items were copied instead of moved because the original items cannot be deleted. The item cannot be deleted. It was either moved or already deleted, or access was denied.

you guys have any solution for getting from parameter or removing the above issue?

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Hey @Krutika_Kotkar,

Try using Mails(0).Headers(“From”).ToString

Thanks :slight_smile:

No Luck :frowning:

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Hey @Krutika_Kotkar,

Try printing all headers once.

Use a foreach pass mails(0).Headers.Keys in the collection.

Print in log - item.ToString + " - " + mails(0).Headers(item.ToString).ToString

This may help

Thanks :slight_smile:

NameObjectCollectionBase.KeysCollection(7) { “Uid”, “Date”, “DateCreated”, “DateRecieved”, “HtmlBody”, “PlainText”, “Size” }
there’s no from in headers

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@Krutika_Kotkar, Try once this property - mails(0).Sender

Also check the mail object you are using. It should be System.Net.Mail.MailMessage

Thanks :slight_smile: