Outlook Calendar Activities - can i use HTML Body

Hi guys.

Does anyone know how I can use HTML on the body of the meeting request?

I would really appreciate it.



Could you please tell me the steps you followed and what activities are you using.

hi @lakshman,

No problem. but just to clarify. the activity is working fine. I just want to know if its possible to use HTML for the body of the email and if its possible how

And this is the activity:



I think it’s not possible as in the properties there is no option like IsBodyHTML to write html text in the body.

Once give it a try and check it.

yes u can do using HTML code

Hi @Naveen.Ch ,

I tried to put HTML code on the field and it does give me an error:


IM thinking of passing an argument that’s HTML… not really sure if this would be possible

We can use HTML in the body … but for the calender activities, we have many possible ways to do that with the activities itself @jundp


Hi @HareeshMR,

Does the calendar on Office 365 work with Outlook 2016? and can you clarify on using HTML on the body of a Meeting. I’m trying to accomplish the following:

  • Robot will read from an excel file and get info
  • Robot will create a meeting invite on Outlook 2016 sent to specific individuals
  • The meeting invite body is HTML

Hope this helps clarify stuff

I’m not sure about this but it will work for sure because the outlook is a part of Office 365 which will contain one drive, yammer, and all other. Please try and let us know so that others with the same question will get answer :slight_smile:

We can use HTML in the body of mail just by checking the IsBodyHTML check box in the create event activity property and the text should be the in the HTML tags so that it will display the text in HTML format @jundp

Sending a calendar invite us different from sending an email. And i understand how the ishtml work on sending emails but cant find the same on sending a calendar invite… Can you enlighten me? What package are you using?

Create event is one activity which is used to create a new calender event or an meeting which will also contains body. so if you want to send the body as html, you can also send in this activity itself

Yes, create activity and send outlook mail , both are same. but if you want to send mails as HTML in body, both will have the bodyhtml check box @jundp

You have to install the package : UiPath.MicrosoftOffice365.Activities

I have the same problem. The Office 365 package requires us to to register our application in Azure AD. I went through this, https://docs.uipath.com/integrations/docs/microsoft-office-365-setup

But unfortunately, I do not have access to Azure Active directory using my Organization account. I get the below error.

Can anyone help me understand this? Do I need to contact my organization Azure Admin to get this access?

It is clear that you are getting 403 error which is forbidden, to be more clear, you have insufficient rights to access or perform the action