Hi Folks,
I have to create a metabot. So first question is " Metabot" like a reusable component?
So this is one use case on which i m working on. Can anybody help me with this?
1.Before start create two folder “Bounce” and “Visited” folder outside the Inbox.
2.Bot opens the outlook using metabot.
- Bot clicks on Filter Email and selects Unread option
4.Bot reads the subject
- If the subject includes “Undeliverable:” then bot opens the mail. Reads the subject, body and logs it to a txt file.
6.And sends a notification mail to the owner with the txt file as an attachment. (using metabot)
Bot will then move that mail to “Bounce” folder.
If the subject includes “Order ID#” then the bot opens the mail, reads the body, subject, picks the data (e.g OrderID, Name, UserID, Contact no, and Email ) and add it to a csv file. (This csv file is created dynamically date wise which will be send at the end of the day)
9.Then moves the email to “Visited” folder
10. For all the other mails, the bot will move it to “Visited” folder
11.The bot will then continue with step 2 until the end time reached. The end time is coming from a config file which can be edited externally.
12.When the bot reached the end time, it will send a final mail with the csv file attached and stop the process. This csv file contains the details of all the orders.