I’m starving with the Outlook Automation tasks and I’m getting a lot of problem even in doing things really simple.
First of all:
it seems it is impossible to access to a folder different from Inbox. I have a folder (linked to one different datafile .pst) called “TEST” … when I use Get Outolook Mail Message task with “Inbox” as folder I get no errors. When I try to use “TEST” instead I receive “folder does not exist” exception.
I can get email from Inbox and I can “manipulate” the properties of each email (for example I’m able to extract the Subject and to write into a file" but, for example I cannot save attachments. The collection Attachements report always Count = 0 EVENT if the mail has attachment. This means that the SaveAttachment task doesn’t save anything
If I try to SAVE the email (using standard .eml format) I get the exception of Authorization that is already mentioned by someone else in this forum (with no answer to the post) … even if I’m running UIP as admin and if in the same folder I can read and write with UIP for example text file or excel files
I’ve also tryied all the example that I found in the forum … but no one is working (and my question is … why publish example not working?)
So, please … Any idea of how to address a BASIC issue as saving all the attachments of a group of email ?
thanks !