Orquestrator Deleting Queues Bug / Issue

I am not sure if this is a bug or if I am missing something.

After doing this same process several times, on studio, added the Get queue items / Delete queue items to start my bot with a refreshed queue.

However, the bot is breaking with the no access allowed reason. As I already added the priority settings I have no clue of what is happening.

A few extra pieces of information, the issue only occur if I ran the bot from orchestrator. It works perfectly when running from an assistant or on Studio.

The img contains my robot privilege configurations.

Is there anything I am missing?

Thank you very much for the support,

Hi @Octavio_Elliot,

Let’s try to check few things:

  1. Under the Tenant permission tab, do we have permissions for transactions? We do need it.
  2. Is the host user or host identity of the bot machine correct?
  3. During the execution of the process, is it using the right username/host identity?

Ashwini Kempraj

Hello @Octavio_Elliot

Is it started happening recently??? Or from the beginning younare facing this issue??

Maybe there can be chace forthe version conflict also. The error described is somethjng different, but maybe you can consider that also eventhough you have provided enough previleges.

The transactions flag was not marked!

Thank you very much!

@Rahul_Unnikrishnan that was my thought too but it seems @ashwini.kempraj solution did the trick!

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