Orchestrator Title Bar Colour Change

Hi UiPath :slight_smile:

If you run multiple orchestrators (say dev & production), at a glance its not that easy to know where you are.

One thing that has worked well for me in other systems is just to go some visually striking change, e.g. allow the colour of the header to be changed on a per orchestrator basis. E.g. leave the production the standard “UiPath Blue”, but change the dev to be Amber or red or anything else.


Good idea.

Happy Birthday


@David_Johnston would a configurable title be a better idea? Having colors assigned means you have to remember which color is for what environment :slight_smile:


In my case I’m probably going to have two, so that would be easy. But yeah, maybe in bigger implementations a title config to allow Prod/Dev/Staging or whatever would be better.

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Hi, This is good idea.

I voted. because this idea can solve my team to see a difference alert message from Orch QA or Prod.


We run with Dev/Prod Orchestrators too and as an admin using both I have done the change manually changing the CSS:

Just Search the Style.css for .mat-toolbar.mat-primary and change the background to a color of your choice

But an officially solution from UiPath would be preferred.


I think this is a great idea that should definitely be implemented. It would save potentially very dangerous and impactful situations where someone makes a change on the wrong environment.

We’ve also added the text for the environment name (“Development” on top-right) and changed all bits and pieces to the header colour like this :slight_smile:


Show off :wink:

I still would really like this, we keep changing the title bar in css after each update. Only one more vote until the magic 10 :slight_smile:

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You have my vote :slight_smile:


You have spoken and we have listened! We have included in the planning a feature that answers your needs and it should be developed and launched soon, around August or September, depending on the dev efforts! Thanks a lot and kudos for the idea! :wink:


Is simply the color enough to distinguish the environments or are you thinking we’d need another indicator? I work with some people, who have color blindness that may not see the color shift immediately.

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It would be fine in our environment, but I can understand the accessibility need. I like what AWoz has done. I’m sure the UiPath guys will come up with something great - thanks for the good news @iamwiliamb

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Due credit to my colleague that helped me with this, I am by no means an expert in CSS :stuck_out_tongue: Super excited to see it’s on the road map now! :slight_smile:

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Ah yes, I didn’t notice the text at first.

Can you please share where you found the css-file?

in our installation: C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath\Orchestrator\dist\style.cs

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Sorry didn’t see your question till now. The file I edited was located here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath\Orchestrator\dist\default.theme.css

Just make sure to take a backup before editing as some changes may break Orchestrator if you’re not careful.

The default colour is #1976d2 which you can “Find and replace” to make it your own.

Also, you’ll need to Minify your CSS for it to work properly. I was getting “Invalid character” errors in Orchestrator until I did this.

It’s out in 20.4. Go to Orchestrator Settings.