Orchestrator Process Parameters not passing to attended robot

Hi @loginerror

The use case is that we have multiple departments that use the same program does that exact same steps but with different names for some of the steps in the program.

So instead of letting the user input data that is static in the program but changes depending on what department the user is in, I would like to reuse the package and deploy it as a process for the different environments I’ve set up for each department. This way I only need to upload and maintain a single package for all attended users for all the different environments and it will save a lot of time. I could do a domain lookup on the user to determine where the user belong, but some users can have both defining roles, so that would not work.

For now the solution would be setting the default value for the package and upload 3 identical packages for the 3 different environments with different default values (including when maintaining the package). This is in no way optimal and should be fixed, no doubt about that, but for now I don’t see any other way, simply because attended robots don’t read the variables from orchestrator that have been set when you create the process :face_with_raised_eyebrow::thinking:

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