Is it possible to check the grace period of On-Prem Orchestrator license before it expires?
Is it possible to check the grace period of On-Prem Orchestrator license before it expires?
what do you mean “grace period” ?
You can check license in Orchestrator in tab tenant → license or when you log in to Orchestrator (to host)
Hi @pikorpa
From orchestrator, we can check the expiry date.
For enterprise users, if the license is not updated/renewed before the expiration date, there would be grace period which would help get some time for renewal.
Is there a way to check the grace period time(no. Of days).
I had one time situation when our license expired. And it was visible in license tab when you log in to host (in Orchestrator)
But I don’t remember exactly how it’s looked.
I could see only the expiration date when tried as host. As per your comment, looks like we will get to know the grace period time limit only after the license expires.
Thanks for your response.
Grace period should be 14 days from the expiration date. Keep in mind that this grace period may not apply to other services such as Computer Vision.