Orchestrator - first steps - create first tenant after basic installation of Orchestrator

Hi All

I have a very simple rookie question.
After having worked so far with Orchestrator using a tenant on https://platform.uipath.com I am now moving in to using Orchestrator on internal server.

So I have received a test license from UiPath and completed the first step by doing a basic installation.
The Orchestrator is up and running, I have made my first login using these credentials:
Login: admin
Password: 890iop ( default password which I then changed at first time login)

So next step would be to create a tenant.
By looking into Orchestrator documentation ( Managing system administrators ) I should click Settings and on the Settings page be able to choose Application Tab.
But there is no Application tab when I look at my Settings page:


Can anyone help me find documentation on how to do this or explain it to me?

I am aware that on the Orchestrator Community Edition ( https://platform.uipath.com ), there is a link on the Login page = “Become a Tenant” where you signup and have your Tenant created, but this does not seem to be the same when you work with Orchestrator installed on own server.

Thanks in advance

I found the answer to this question myself - login with these settings and change password first time you login:

Tenant: host
User: admin
Password: 3edcVFR$

I was not able to find this in official documentation, but there is some other treads here in the communit that mentions this.

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