Orchestrator Fails To Upgrade With Unknown Error

How to verify when Orchestrator fails to upgrade with unknown error?

Perform the below procedure:

  1. Check dbo.AuditLogEntities table and dbo.AuditLogs table
  2. Verify if [dbo].[AuditLogEntities].[AuditLogId] shows a value unavailable in [dbo].[AuditLogs].[Id]
SELECT  [AuditLogId]  FROM [dbo].[AuditLogEntities]
except select id from dbo.AuditLogs
  1. If such records exist, remove them or change the [AuditLogId] to be consistent with [Id]
DELETE FROM [dbo].[AuditLogEntities] WHERE AuditLogId = ###

where "###" is the result from the first query