Orchestrator Error: The feed, attempts to download the nupkg have failed

Hi All

I have error in connecting orchestrator to my robot tray.

After I connected my orchestrator with my robot, and try to have job run, the job faulted, error like this:


https://platform.uipath.com/nuget/feed/eqtdefaultk4xk91782 [https://platform.uipath.com/nuget/feed/eqtdefaultk4xk91782]’ lists package ‘BlankProcess.1.0.2’ but multiple attempts to download the nupkg have failed. The feed is either invalid or required packages were removed while the current operation was in progress. Verify the package exists on the feed and try again.

The problem is caused by the situation that robot cannot have package downloaded to the tray from orchestrator.

The jobs look like this

My robot looks like this, I just set demo environment, and robot is under the environment, as well as the process

I also input my system password into the robot password part, the Doamin/Username is absolute correct which comes from command: cmd → whoami

When I start Job, select the process and specific robot “DemoRobot”, then click start, it faulted.

Any idea how to solve this?


Could you please delete published package and republish it again.

And also could you please help me with screenshot of Robot system tray.

Hi I have published the package and republish it again, it didn’t work.

Sorry I did not quite understand what do you mean of robot system tray,
my robot tray is posted on my question post if that is what you mean?


Hope this would help you resolve this

Cheers @jingwang0222

I don’t see BlankProcess.1.0.2 in your screenshot of the Processes page.

because the screenshot was taken on different time, thanks for reply.

in case you want to see, same error, this process exists in both process and jobs, exactly same thing with BlankProcess

Hi @jingwang0222,

I have same problem, you any solution , if u got solution please help me

Raja G

I`ve same problem. is it because of the package location at local?

Today I had the same problem and the solution that resulted was the following:

  • Environment: Production
  • Error:
  • Solution: In the production environment the project folder was copied and opened with UiPath Studio. The production environment had UiPath Studio installed. When the project was opened, UiPath Studio automatically downloaded the package and component updates.

I hope it helps you if it does.


I am facing the same issue, can you please let me know the procedure how you get it resolved


Did you get the solution for this

Hi folks,

Has anyone found proper solution to this particular error?
kindly suggest .
