Orchestrator config and licence

hello everyone,

I am finishing the installation of the automation suite. I have 6 machines with HD robots on which 80 processes are to run.

What is the best configuration to optimize the machines and licenses available (I currently have 20 unattended licenses).

Is it to have a single machine template divided for the 6 machines? How is running then handled on one rather than another available machine registered in the MT?

Thanks in advance!!

Hi @Singh7633 ,

Thanks for reaching out UiPath Community.

You can create single Production Template which can be used by the users you have.
While running process make sure you have perquisite setup for running the Process.
You can add triggers for your process and if you want to run it on specific machine you can do that with triggers.

Hope this will help you.
for any further question please reach out.

Happy Automation,

1 Like

Thanks @Vinit_Kawle

I would not want to set a specific machine from trigger, but I would like it to automatically choose the freest machine.

Does Orchestrator handle this configuration? Does it have some kind of load balancer that decides on which machine to launch the robot?

Alternatively, based on what does it run on machine 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6?

Yes If you use Queue trigger or any other based on convivence ,

orchestrator can handle that by following Configuration,
you can define maximum number of pending and running jobs allowed it will run on number machines you want to run
Precaution step is all machines should be configure before running like extension or any other dependency for running process.

And In Case you don’t want to do it with trigger want to run it manually in that case follow below steps.
1.Click Start Job
2. Select Account ,machine and user
3. Number of machines you want run your process on by “Excecute the process *” times

it will select machines which are available for run.

Hope this will help you.
Happy Automation,

thank you.

However, the maximum number of jobs on the same machine refers to ONE specific robot, the one with which the trigger is associated.

I would like to understand, based on the trigger, how orchestrator distributes the launch of 20 robots simultaneously on 6 machines hooked to a single machine template.

Example, 20 robots are not launched simultaneously on machine 1, but 5 are distributed (via load balancer?) on machine 1, 7 on machine 2, and 8 on machine 3.

Thanks in advance

for the detailed working of Job please refer below link

Hope this will help you.
Reach out for any further query.

Happy Automation,


so in the case of high density robot with 6 machines connected to a single machine template the orchestrator dynamically allocates jobs?

If yes, how? This is not specified in the guide


Can you please mention at what specific point you have stuck?