Orchestrator CE - email notifications - scheduled/real time?

Hello everyone !

I’m recently using the CE Orchestrator and have set up alerts notifications (using gmail account). But I have a few questions. In this link :

It states that
“Notifications are sent individually, as they happen (in real time). Additionally, a daily report is sent at 7 a.m.”

1 - is it possible to change the time for the daily report ? If yes, how to ? maybe not in CE Orchestrator ?
2 - I’m not getting notifications for disconnected robot in real-time, but every now and then I’m getting an “Error summary” for a specific time span (sometime 10min, sometime 40min). Is it specific to the Community Edition Orchestrator ? or am I missing something ?

Thanks again !

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I believe the “real time” notification job runs every 10 minutes by default. So you may see a delay in in getting the notification. There is setting you can add to the web.config that to customize the frequency of the job. “PeriodicErrorMailJobCron” and it accepts a CRON string “0 0/1 * 1/1 * ? *”. This example runs every minute. I used it for testing my notifications.

I hope this helps.


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i have delay 10 minutes if my job faulted and receive mail alert i use community edition ,so i cant find web.config , any other way to get mail at the moment
@cclements @Hyk