Orchestrator API's: Starting a job, error not authorised

Hi everyone,

I’m trying to start a job using Orchestrator APi’s, I have got an access token, but I still get the not authorised, could someone please help

Kind Regards


If you are getting a “Not authorized” error while trying to start a job using Orchestrator APIs despite having a valid access token, make sure to check the following:

  1. Correct Endpoint: Double-check that you are sending your API request to the correct Orchestrator API endpoint. Ensure you are using the correct URL and API version.

  2. Authorization Header: Verify that you are including the access token in the Authorization header of your API request. The header should look like this:

    Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
  3. Token Scope: Ensure that the access token you obtained has the necessary scope to start jobs. Some Orchestrator API endpoints require specific scopes for authorization.

  4. Robot Permissions: Check the permissions of the Robot associated with the job. The Robot must have the appropriate permissions to start the specified process in Orchestrator.

  5. API Key and Secret: If you are using API keys and secrets for authentication, make sure they are correctly configured and match the ones associated with your Orchestrator instance.

  6. Error Response: Examine the error response from the API for more details on why the request is unauthorized. The response might provide specific error messages that can help diagnose the issue.

If you have verified all of the above and are still facing issues, consider reaching out to UiPath support or consulting the Orchestrator API documentation for more specific guidance related to your use case.

Check if in your Bearer access_token you have the OR.Jobs or OR.Jobs.Write scope.