I am trying to establish the communication between the orchestrator application and a remote server.
When i try the list folders/files function i am getting an error that the two servers do not use the same algorithms(view below).
List Folder failure: ChooseEncryptionAlgorithmClientToServer() could not decide on an algorithm.
Client list: xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx
Server list: xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx
My questions is, from orchestrator console, from where can i view the algorithms list that can be used in order to edit the list
Ensure that the remote server supports the encryption algorithms that are compatible with UiPath. You may need to check the server’s SSH or SFTP configuration file (e.g sshd_config on Linux) to see which algorithms are enabled.
You can adjust the server’s configuration to include algorithms that are compatible with UiPath.
If you’re using UiPath Studio to connect via SSH/SFTP, you may have some control over the algorithms by configuring the connection settings directly in the activity that you are using (e.g., SFTP, SSH Connect).
Ensure that the algorithms set in UiPath Studio align with those supported by the remote server.
i am using system center 2019 orchestrator, i have install the ftp plugin and try to connect to the remote server.
From system center 2019 orchestrator, where can i find the ssh configuration?