Orchestra Server Upload License

Hi, I’ve installed Orchestra Server in my local server and success to Login Orchestra. I’ve tried to upload my License under User Profile->License->Upload License->‘select txt’ but end up show ‘Invalid License Format (#1903)’

This is my txt file look like, just a single line of license key, eg. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
The license key is 18 digits

Is it my txt file format is invalid?

@seekianshim You need to activate the license first and then generate the license file. Please follow below guide https://orchestrator.uipath.com/docs/activating-and-uploading-your-license

Thanks for the replied.
My server did not install UiPath Robot or Studio. My local laptop did installed UiPath Studio and using another License Key.

Let says, I run regutil activate /email=emailaddress /code=Orchestra License Key. In this case, will the Orchestra License Key replace my UiPath Studio License key? Between, If I’m success generated the license file from the command above, can I copy the license file to my Orchestra Server and upload to the Orchestra Portal?

Yes you can activate it from your laptop. it wont replace your studio license. Once you have the license file on your laptop you can browse Orchestrator website on your laptop and upload the license.

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