Open latest pdf-file

Hey all,

I’m out of ideas :see_no_evil:
I’ve a folder with about 20 pdf-files. Every moth there comes a new file and I have to open the latest. Can I do this by sorting them first or is there an other possibility?
The file name is f. e.: 2019-06-01_tool

Thanks :slight_smile:


Please try below attached codelatest file.xaml (5.2 KB)


When I use this, the latest file name is displayed - it works :slight_smile:

Now I wanted to open this file. When I use Start Process there comes an Error, because the file was not found… What’s wrong?

In Start process activity provide

  1. Location of the exe file location of the PDF reader like “C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat Reader DC\Reader\AcroRd32.exe”
  2. Argument field- provide full path with the filename like Path.Combine(filepath,fileName)

Thank you, now it works! I used System.IO.Path.Combine too. :slight_smile:

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