how can I make the roboter open file in folder without telling the roboter the name of the file?
Because the files in the folder will have allways different names.
My process looks like that until now:
crate array wit files of a specif folder (folder path is known)
check if the folder has any files
if folder has files, open file. But I don’t know how to open that file without giving the name of file.
–use a assign activity like this arr_files = Directory.GetFiles(“yourfolderpath”)
where arr_files is a variable of type array of string
–now use a IF condition like this arr_files.Count>0
IF true it will go to THEN part where we can use FOR EACH activity
–in FOR EACH activity pass the variable arr_files as input and chagne the type argument as string in the property panel
–inside the loop use a START PROCESS activity and pass the input as item.tostring in the filename property so that it will bring to foreground