Open Excel workbook from URL

For those who are still having issues with this, here’s an alternative approach in case you are not having fun playing with the url :slight_smile:

Instead of typing in the entire url in the WorkbookPath box inside the ExcelApplicationScope activity, click on […] and browse to the sharepoint directory itself. Once the browse window loads, plug in the url without the filename/extension (https:\sharepoint\yadayada) in the address box and hit enter. This will take you to the file directory where you will see all your files that exist in the container (see attached example).

So now you can easily double-click your target file, and the filepath will automatically generate in the WorkbookPath box inside the ExcelApplicationScope activity. It will look something like this: "\sharepoint\DavWWWRoot\yadayada\myFile.xlsx"JJES

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