Open an excel file and rename the file for a specific cell value


I have an RPA that downloads files from outlook and will save the files to a specific folder. Once the file is downloaded, I need to rename the file based on three cell values. I need to take the value from cell B1 + B6 and use the values in these fields to rename the file.

Could someone provide me with step by step instruction to resolve my issue?

As a side note, I did a lot of research on this issue but I could not find a solution. I was initially trying to use Excel application scope but it required a specific file name…

Thank you,

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  1. Read the downloaded file. It doesn’t matter if it isn’t properly named, you need to inform current name to read cell values. Use Read Cell/Read Range activity informing current file’s name.

  2. Store in a variable the new file name, according to cell’s values.

  3. Use a Copy File activity to create a new file with proper name. Then, you can delete the old one if you want.

Let me know if you need more details

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When I try to use the read activity, I receive an error that says the activity must occur within the Excel application scope activity. In this activity I am required to provide a file name.


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Got it…

You’ll need to inform file’s name.

What you can do is get file’s full path based on most recent file in a folder.

After that, use excel application scope to read cell values.

Check this post:

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How does this look?

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When using the variable strFilepath and the VB expression Directory.GetFiles(yourfolder_path,“*.txt”).OrderByDescending(Function(d) New FileInfo(d).CreationTime).Tolist(0)

I receive a compiler error, I tried as pasted above and replacing the “youfolder_path,” section with my actual file path. I have also tried adding quotes and still receive a compiler error.

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“.txt” is an example.

You must replace by the extension of your file, such as .csv, .xlsx, etc

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I also changed the extension and I still receive a compiler error, I forgot to mention that part. The error message says that ‘)’ expected. I have tired to add this in a few places but did not resolve the issue.

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ping me on

Kindly share your project or share the entire compilation error message you mentioned above.

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[quote=“gustavo.cervelin, post:10, topic:270051”]
are the compilation error you mentioned above.

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It seems that the double quotes were missing

Instead of …S2_REPORTS\RPA_Downloads use “…S2_REPORTS\RPA_Downloads”

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Thank you for catching that, I will test the script and report back.

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The script seems to work well but I cannot assign values from the search condition
Multiple Assign: Can not assign ‘strSearchConditions.Substring(strSearchConditions.IndexOf(“Cust.=”)+9, 2)’ to ‘strCustomer’.

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Well done @MF.RPA,

I just want to understand better…

Did you manage to get the full path of the most recent file and read the cells?

Was this error before or after that?

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The error was after read range and in the multiple assign area. Now for some reason I am getting an error in read range saying the most recent file does not exist in the folder although it does

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Got it…

How did you enter file’s name in Excel Application Scope?

If you want, share a screenshot.

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Directory.GetFiles(“FILE_FOLDER”,“*.xlsm”).OrderByDescending(Function(d) New FileInfo(d).CreationTime).Tolist(0)

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Now I am finding the workbook however the system is saying the sheet does not exist. For the sheet name I am using “” since the name of the sheet can change on every report. Is there a better way?

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Ok, got it that the sheet name changes…

Do you know if it’s always just one sheet?

Or is there a scenario of having more than one?

You can use “Get Workbook Sheets” activity, it will return a list of all sheets. If there is only one, get its name and read cells.

If there are two or more, let me know

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