Open a specific word file WITHOUT close it authomatically


Maybe the dumbest question of the day but it is driving me crazy… I am just starting with UIPATH StudioX and would like to create a supersimple process where :
-1 Open an application
-2 Open a website
-3 Open a specific word document

So as I can start my session with those 3 opened. Te issue is that the word document (with Use Word File activity) open and close the word document I indicated does not open, or open and then close immediately, while the others stay open.

So far I did not find any other way (with StudioX) to open a word document (and possibly keep it open), is there a way ?

Many thanks for your help


select the “never” option in the properties panel on “open application activity”
See the screenshot for reference.

@Vaibhav_Rajpoot_17 thanks a lot for your answer. I forgot to mention that I tried that option… unfortunately, it’s not available for “Use Word File” action :slight_smile:

Thanks again for the answer.

“open application” does not exist in StudioX (indeed all the solution tracks I found on this issue are not applicable with StudioX).

In case of : “Use application/Browser” activities does not works with files but with applications only.

Apologize in advance for trying keeping this post alive but before to invest more time to learn UIPATH I would be curious to know if mine is, eventually, a dummy issue or if it is really difficult to do what I am trying to achieve…

Thanks in advance for your feedback